Anxiety Attacks

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There's Help For Your Anxiety Attacks! 

If you're someone who experiences frequent anxiety attacks, you may think that your life has become something of a nightmare.  Anxiety attacks can happen almost anytime, anywhere, and with or without good reason.  They can make both your work life and your social life an impossible task, as they can be so very overwhelming both mentally and physically.  But take heart, there is help for your anxiety attacks, in the form of medicines and behavioral therapy to get you through them.

While there are sometimes reasons for anxiety attacks, doctors are also sometimes baffled at what causes them and why.  Some persons have imbalances of chemicals in the brain or seem to have a certain type of internal wiring that causes these attacks sporadically, like sudden surges of electricity that are without warning or reason.  Scientists still have so much to learn about the human brain and its wiring and workings, so it's really no surprise that they are at a loss when it comes to something as odd as unprovoked anxiety attacks.

 But doctors have learned that many medications such as Zoloft or Paxil have a calming effect on the processes that control or trigger anxiety and compulsions.  These medications keep the hormones and other elements responsible for anxiety attacks on an even keel, so to speak.  They can keep someone more calm at all times, and work well regardless of the type of anxiety, be it panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, or even obsessive compulsive disorder.

 Anxiety attacks are also helped with cognitive or behavioral therapy, meaning the learning of new ways of thinking or behaving.  If someone can learn that their anxiety attacks are the result of how they think or of how they view something, then they can lessen these attacks.  Learning how to talk themselves through a panic attack or how to calm their obsessive or compulsive behavior can go a long way toward keeping anxiety attacks at bay, or at the very least, keeping them in their place so that they have less of an effect on the sufferer.

 So if you're someone that suffers from anxiety attacks in any form, it's strongly encouraged that you speak with your doctor.  Whether you want to try medications or not, there is help available for you.  And at the very least, you can be put in touch with others who are suffering from the same symptoms as you in order to get support and encouragement for your condition.


